As part of the first task, the first result of the Mental Health Leader project, the participating organisations prepared reports on good practicse and regulations related to mental health care for staff in the workplace. The situation in the UK, Spain, Poland and Slovenia was analysed, and two good practices were identified and described in each of these countries.

The companies involved come from a variety of industries including energy, hospitality, insurance, BPO corporations and IT.

The reports prepared by the partners identify and describe comprehensive programmes that are well thought out and integrated into the companies’ strategies. Their common features are that:

  • are based on the identification of needs and risks – psychosocial, stress-related; include elements of evaluation with employees, needs research;
  • include proven and certified Employee Assistance Programmes,
  • usually include a handbook with detailed instructions and information for effective implementation and monitoring in the company.

Detailed descriptions of the practices are included in the national reports, while a summary is included in the common international report.