Good practices – mapping the area of action in the project.

As part of the first task, the first result of the Mental Health Leader project, the participating organisations prepared reports on good practicse and regulations related to mental health care for staff in the workplace. The situation in the UK, Spain, Poland and...

Result 1: Mental Health Leader Professional Profile

Result 1: Mental Health Leader Professional Profile The process of developing the Mental Health Leader’s organisational role description in the organisation had a few stages. It involved both analysis of existing solutions and creative work on the needs of...

Result 3: Curriculum and trainer’s manual

Result 3: Curriculum and trainer’s manual The Mental Health Leader development programme consists of four training modules. The modules are designed to be used by any trainer, organization or training company. They are aimed at people with coaching experience...

Transnational Partners Meeting in Krakow

In June, Transnational Partners’ Meeting was held in Krakow, Poland. Part of the team came to Krakow, part of us participated online. The meeting was very fruitful. Among other things, the partners discussed the results of the consultation with companies on the...