Transnational Partner Meeting in Granada

This was the last meeting of the Mental Health Leader project – and, as usual, we worked in a wonderful, family atmosphere and produced many conclusions and discussions. We summarised the work on all the project results and also prepared for the dissemination...

Meetup – manager on the couch

On 12 December 2023, the Mental Health Leader Project became a partner of a meet-up organised by the Mental Health Helpline on mental health support for male and female managers. The meet-up programme included presentations and a panel discussion. The highly engaging...

Transnational partners meeting in Krakow – 2

During the meeting in Krakow, the partners summarised the work on the three project results. The main part of the meeting concerned result number 4: ́we decided to broaden its scope and prepare a two-part edition – 4 descriptive chapters and a toolbox consisting...

Pilot training (testing the programme).

Twenty people from different companies took part in testing the Mental Health Leader development programme. Situations and ‘case studies’ from their own organisations were brought into the discussion. As part of the summary at the end of the meeting, the participants...

Transnational partners meeting in Velenje

During the international partnership meeting in Velenje, we summarised the the conclusions of the consultations with companies as part of the next project result. As previously, the conclusions provoked lively discussion and conclusions on the inclusion of issues...