In June, Transnational Partners’ Meeting was held in Krakow, Poland. Part of the team came to Krakow, part of us participated online. The meeting was very fruitful.
Among other things, the partners discussed the results of the consultation with companies on the role description of the Mental Health Leader, entering the final stage of the first project result. An optimistic conclusion from the consultation was certainly that the majority of the company representatives interviewed understood what the role entailed and also saw the need for it. However, it should also be taken into account that in most organisations – especially smaller ones, especially NGOs or those with volunteers – managers do not see the possibility (mainly for budgetary reasons) of creating a separate role in the organisation ‘right away’.
The conclusions of the consultation suggest that the role description should be flexible and universal, so that it can be used by companies of different sizes and with different levels of mental health and wellbeing activities showing the direction and the “menu” of possible solutions.
Partners also discussed assumptions for the second project result, which will be developed over the next few months leadered by Merseyside Expanding Horizons.
The next meeting – in October in Liverpool!