“May with Mental Health” is an educational event organised annually by the Mental Health Center. For almost a whole month, experienced practitioners, psychologists and mental health professionals share their knowledge in the form of lectures and workshops.

In this year’s edition, most space was dedicated to references to the current situation related to the war in Ukraine and the pandemic, such as: how to build resilience after a traumatic experience, how to support grieving people, how to support children tired of isolation in a pandemic, but also how to support a team, how to rebuild the emotional commitment of employees after a pandemic, how to take care of one’s own emotions, how to take care of one’s own boundaries while supporting others.

One of the lectures was dedicated to the role of the Mental Health Leader. The speaker, Joanna Pająk (an expert involved in the project), presented the concept and plan for the activities to be carried out, as well as the results of the activities carried out so far as part of the first outcome: mapping and design thinking sessions.
The meeting was appreciated and met quite an involvement of the participants, who asked interesting questions and declared their willingness to participate in the next stages of the project.

Link to the “May with Mental Health”website:
