The role description was based on the preliminary research conducted in 4 countries:

  • good practices and regulations research (reports prepared by All Partners – UK, Slovenia, Spain, Poland);
  • design thinking session with experts and target group representatives (Poland)

The draft of the role description was discussed and approved by the project partners to be consulted with at least 12 companies (3 per partner which also means 3 per country). Finally it was consulted with 13 companies (one additional from Slovenia).

The goals of the testing were:

  • to receive feedback on the job description
  • to identify the items in the job description and conditions that would be barriers to hiring the Mental Health Leader in this particular organisation

The target group’s response to the Mental Health Leader job description was very positive – with a clear understanding of the scope of responsibilities as well as the need of having such a person in a company. Some remarks should be implemented (also for making the description not so “cold”) – there are mainly the abilities such as empathy, emotional stability or the ability to drive organisational change. Some remarks also show that the responsibilities may be described with more details (because they address the issues that were implemented – maybe not clearly enough).

The answers considering the possibility of hiring the Mental Health Leader in the company show that most companies are not ready for the full-time role, either they don’t have enough budget or they don’t feel they need it. So the fact that this role may be additional to other (here it was mentioned – managerial, HR or Health and Safety) should be very clear in the description in order to “open the door” for Mental Health Leaders, even part-time for the beginning.

Final project result – role description is publishen in the Results/ Role Description section